Kategórie: Vzdelávanie História Kurzy
Tento podcast vychádza od 28. 1. 2021
Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 12 minút

BATTERYacademy Episode 12: A Year With Us
Host: Oto Pisoň Guest: Marián Boček, CEO, InoBat Auto – what has InoBat Auto achieved in 2021 – what is…
Host: Oto Pisoň Guest: Marián Boček, CEO, InoBat Auto – what has InoBat Auto achieved in 2021 – what is…

BATTERYacademy Episode 11: Construction of an R&D centre in Voderady
Host: Oto Pisoň Guests: Voderady team
Host: Oto Pisoň Guests: Voderady team

BATTERYacademy Episode 10: Future of Batteries (Slovak)
Host: Oto Pisoň Guest: Ján Zuštiak, CEO & Founder, Agevolt – What types of charging stations exist? – Is it…
Host: Oto Pisoň Guest: Ján Zuštiak, CEO & Founder, Agevolt – What types of charging stations exist? – Is it…

BATTERYacademy Episode 9: How Do I Charge My Car?
Oto Pisoň and Ján Zuštiak talking about different types of charging stations, their pros and cons, the economics and future…
Oto Pisoň and Ján Zuštiak talking about different types of charging stations, their pros and cons, the economics and future…

BATTERYacademy Episode 8: Energy Storage
Host: Oto Pisoň Guest: Rudolf Sihlovec What is energy storage? What are its benefits? How can it work in synergy…
Host: Oto Pisoň Guest: Rudolf Sihlovec What is energy storage? What are its benefits? How can it work in synergy…

BATTERYacademy Episode 7: Battery Recycling (Slovak)
Host: Oto Pison Guest: Marta Tomisova, CEO InoBat Recycling
Host: Oto Pison Guest: Marta Tomisova, CEO InoBat Recycling

BATTERYacademy Episode 6.5: Special Episode with Maros Sefcovic and Marian Smik
More information on Battery of Ideas: https://fmmr.tuke.sk/wps/wcm/connect/fmmr.tuke.sk24091/4ea0fba1-0437-41f2-8f9c-5ef9393415ed/SBaA+Bateria+napadov+infoletak.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_6910G340M8UT30ANOH54UG0I27-4ea0fba1-0437-41f2-8f9c-5ef9393415ed-nFw-cjF A
More information on Battery of Ideas: https://fmmr.tuke.sk/wps/wcm/connect/fmmr.tuke.sk24091/4ea0fba1-0437-41f2-8f9c-5ef9393415ed/SBaA+Bateria+napadov+infoletak.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_6910G340M8UT30ANOH54UG0I27-4ea0fba1-0437-41f2-8f9c-5ef9393415ed-nFw-cjF A

BATTERYacademy Episode 6: How batteries are made (English)
How do we make batterie? Find out more with Cameron Keating, Head of Production and Maintenance at InoBat Auto
How do we make batterie? Find out more with Cameron Keating, Head of Production and Maintenance at InoBat Auto

BATTERYacademy Episode 5: Hands-on Experience from the Battery Business (Slovak/English)
Do you want to work in the battery business? Listen to our podcast and find out what type of people…
Do you want to work in the battery business? Listen to our podcast and find out what type of people…
BATTERYacademy powered by InoBat - informácie o podcaste
Za tvorbou podcastu stojí Oto Pisoň. BATTERYacademy is an educational campaign powered by InoBat, which aims to increase awareness of the battery ecosystem among students, graduates, young professionals, battery enthusiasts and others. During our 12-month project, we will introduce leading experts on batteries and e-mobility who will explain different aspects of battery R&D and production in monthly videos, podcasts and lectures. Language: Slovak and/or English Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcJKRYhLocVOQMlMEoSXE1Q
BATTERYacademy powered by InoBat je zaradený do kategórie Vzdelávanie, História, Kurzy.
BATTERYacademy powered by InoBat je zaradený do kategórie Vzdelávanie. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Mozgová Atletika, Moderná Psychológia, Nerudacast, Dejepis Inak, Angličtina pre začiatočníkov.