Basement Talkshow has concept of interview with artists, producers, promoters and other interesting people, who support culture in one way or another in Slovakia region.
Basement Talkshow w. MC Fedora
How MC Fedora cope with current situation in the world? What was her first contact with music? This and many…
How MC Fedora cope with current situation in the world? What was her first contact with music? This and many…
Basement Talkshow w. Subtension
Kde si najlepšie zahral Subtension ? Čo robí vo voľnom čase mimo hudby? Toto a oveľa viac v Basement Talkshow…
Kde si najlepšie zahral Subtension ? Čo robí vo voľnom čase mimo hudby? Toto a oveľa viac v Basement Talkshow…
Basement Talkshow w. MC Fava
Basement Talkshow is regular show with artists from Drum&Bass scene and other music worlds. Hosted by NUMΔ BΞ. Most insane…
Basement Talkshow is regular show with artists from Drum&Bass scene and other music worlds. Hosted by NUMΔ BΞ. Most insane…
Basement Talkshow - informácie o podcaste
Za tvorbou podcastu stojí Marian Emanuel Karaffa. Basement Talkshow has concept of interview with artists, producers, promoters and other interesting people, who support culture in one way or another in Slovakia region.
Basement Talkshow je zaradený do kategórie Umenie.
Basement Talkshow je zaradený do kategórie Umenie. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú SAMA SEBOU s Barborou a Michalou, ArtStory, Podgast by Čoje, Čarodejnícky expres, Rutina.