BATTERYacademy is an educational campaign powered by InoBat, which aims to increase awareness of the battery ecosystem among students, graduates, young professionals, battery enthusiasts and others. During our 12-month project, we will introduce leading experts on batteries and e-mobility who will explain different aspects of battery R&D and production in monthly videos, podcasts and lectures. Language: Slovak and/or English Subscribe to our YouTube channel:

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Tento podcast vychádza od 28. 1. 2021 info

Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 12 minút


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BATTERYacademy Episode 3: Beautiful Inside and Out – Battery Chemistry (Slovak)

Host: Oto Pisoň Speakers: Jakub Reiter, Maroš Halama – composition of batteries – types of batteries and their usage –…

Host: Oto Pisoň Speakers: Jakub Reiter, Maroš Halama – composition of batteries – types of batteries and their usage –…

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BATTERYacademy Episode 2: Busting Myths About Electromobility (English)

Host: Oto Pisoň Guest: Dr Andy Palmer Busting myths about electromobility EVs are not ecological EVs are expensive Batteries in…

Host: Oto Pisoň Guest: Dr Andy Palmer Busting myths about electromobility EVs are not ecological EVs are expensive Batteries in…

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BATTERYacademy Episode 1: Introduction (Slovak)

Moderátor: Oto Pisoň čo je BATTERYacademy história elektromobility čo sú to lítium-iónové batérie

Moderátor: Oto Pisoň čo je BATTERYacademy história elektromobility čo sú to lítium-iónové batérie

BATTERYacademy powered by InoBat - informácie o podcaste

Za tvorbou podcastu stojí . BATTERYacademy is an educational campaign powered by InoBat, which aims to increase awareness of the battery ecosystem among students, graduates, young professionals, battery enthusiasts and others. During our 12-month project, we will introduce leading experts on batteries and e-mobility who will explain different aspects of battery R&D and production in monthly videos, podcasts and lectures. Language: Slovak and/or English Subscribe to our YouTube channel:

BATTERYacademy powered by InoBat je zaradený do kategórie Vzdelávanie, História, Kurzy.

BATTERYacademy powered by InoBat je zaradený do kategórie Vzdelávanie. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Mozgová Atletika, Moderná Psychológia, Nerudacast, Dejepis Inak, Angličtina pre začiatočníkov.