Vypočujte si ukážky a príklady toho, ako sa angličtina za 15 storočí zmenila na nepoznanie. Mení sa angličtina aj dnes? Prečo je angličtina tak odlišná od nemčiny a prečo je škótska angličtina tak odlišná od tej londýnskej?

1) List Richarda III. z 12. októbra 1483
"Sir I say I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need, 
as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye 
labour to me for. We would most gladly that ye came yourself if you may, and if ye may not, we pray you not to fail, but to accomplish in all diligence our said commandment, to send our seal incontinent upon the sight hereof, as we trust you, with such as you trust and the officers pertaining to attend with it, praying you to ascertain us of your news. Here, loved be God, is all well and truly determined."
2) Beowulf (cca 10./11. století)
Hwæt, wē Gārdena in ġeārdagum þēodcyninga þrym ġefrūnon hū ðā æþelingas ellen fremedon.

Odporúčania na záver:

The Expanse (seriál)

Embassytown (China Miéville, kniha)