“Understanding the rules of playing Scarlatti is a way to more freedom in expression and interpretation”.
Italian guitarist Alberto Mesirca should have been our guest for a concert and a seminar in the beginning of December. However, sudden changes of the pandemic regulations in Slovakia did not allow us to meet audience in person. Therefore, we decided to share Alberto’s knowledge on interpretation of Scarlatti as a podcast. His friends, Slovak guitarist Martin Krajčo and cellist and director of Konvergencie Chamber Music Festival (and Masterclassses) Jozef Luptak joined him in a friendly discussion in Bratislava on December 7th, 2021.
Alberto and Martin talk about how to play and transcribe Scarlatti Sonatas on guitar, how to understand ornamentation, affect, trills, phrasing and timing in his music. Which books you can read to find out more about this topic and become more aware of the style of performing this beautiful music. We have added great music by Scarlatti and Frescobalsdi perfromed by great Alberto Mesirca and fenomenal Romina Basso.
This podcast is an educational one – listen to it, take a paper and a pen and write your notes. Enjoy listening and learning!
Video: Konvergencie 2021 - Vďačnosť / Gratitude / A. Mesirca, J. Luptak
This podcast is supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.