Věda a současná civilizace. Interaktivní rozhovory se světovými odborníky, ve kterých je prostor pro vaše otázky a komentáře. Moderuje Daniel Stach.

Web podcastu


Tento podcast vychádza od 10. 1. 2020 info

Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 48 minút


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Steve Hughes (former president, US Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology)

In his opinion, the current education system is not perfect: children memorize dates or lists of literary works, receive information…

In his opinion, the current education system is not perfect: children memorize dates or lists of literary works, receive information…

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Robert Woodrow Wilson (Nobel Prize laureate, astronomer)

Robert Woodrow Wilson, a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics – an exclusive guest of Hyde Park Civilization. “How…

Robert Woodrow Wilson, a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics – an exclusive guest of Hyde Park Civilization. “How…

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Andrey Zubov

Andrei Zubov was dismissed this spring from his post at the State Institute of International Relations after he wrote an…

Andrei Zubov was dismissed this spring from his post at the State Institute of International Relations after he wrote an…

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Rolf-Dieter Heuer (general-director of CERN)

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, the largest science center on the Earth is celebrating 60 years of its existence….

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, the largest science center on the Earth is celebrating 60 years of its existence….

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Programmer Llewellyn Falco & Professor Jack Copeland

Programmer Llewellyn Falco is e.g. the author of the project Teaching Kids Programming. Professor Jack Copeland is a philosopher who…

Programmer Llewellyn Falco is e.g. the author of the project Teaching Kids Programming. Professor Jack Copeland is a philosopher who…

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Denis McQuail (media theorist)

Denis McQuail, an English scientist specializing in media and communication theories. He wrote more than 12 books on mass media…

Denis McQuail, an English scientist specializing in media and communication theories. He wrote more than 12 books on mass media…

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Václav Větvička (18. 1. 2020)

O české přírodě a čtení z letokruhů stromů. O rostlinách, keřích i nejstarších stromech. O českých zahrádkách i o tom,…

O české přírodě a čtení z letokruhů stromů. O rostlinách, keřích i nejstarších stromech. O českých zahrádkách i o tom,…

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Lawrence M. Krauss (theoretical physicist and cosmologist)

Lawrence M. Krauss considerably contributed to dark matter research and is so far the only holder of the awards of…

Lawrence M. Krauss considerably contributed to dark matter research and is so far the only holder of the awards of…

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Paul Von Blum (historian)

Professor Paul von Blum at the University of California focuses on African-American studies, history and the fight for civil rights….

Professor Paul von Blum at the University of California focuses on African-American studies, history and the fight for civil rights….

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Bruno Leibundgut (science director of the European Southern Observatory)

The former science director of the European Southern Observatory, the world’s largest astronomical observatory. He helped to develop the world’s…

The former science director of the European Southern Observatory, the world’s largest astronomical observatory. He helped to develop the world’s…

Hyde Park Civilizace - informácie o podcaste

Za tvorbou podcastu stojí . Věda a současná civilizace. Interaktivní rozhovory se světovými odborníky, ve kterých je prostor pro vaše otázky a komentáře. Moderuje Daniel Stach.

Hyde Park Civilizace je zaradený do kategórie Veda, Vzdelávanie.

Hyde Park Civilizace je zaradený do kategórie Veda. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Brainstorming, Kvantum ideí, Veda na dosah, Vedecký podcast SAV, Experiment.