Zoznam komentovaných správ:
SPEED News, čas 03:08 MAP - Ransomware attacks against medical, educational & govermental organizations - as reported across the US.
Steganography in audio – DeepSound (Jozef Bátora) – Mr.Robot (Season 1 Episode 8) http://www.jpinsoft.net/sk/deepsound
SPRÁVY z nášho webu
Drony, čas 08:14 https://www.incident.sk/swiss-post-a-firma-matternet-zastavili-lety-dronov-po-havarii-jedneho-blizko-skoly/
BEC, čas 11:23 https://www.incident.sk/pri-bec-podvode-prisiel-okres-v-state-severna-karolina-o-17-miliona-dolarov/
Honda leak, čas 13:05 https://www.incident.sk/nezabezpecena-cloudova-databaza-obsahovala-podrobne-informacie-z-internej-siete-firmy-honda/
Hexane, čas 15:36 https://www.incident.sk/nova-hackerska-skupina-sa-zameriava-na-telekomunikacie-a-priemyselne-podniky-v-afrike-a-na-strednom-vychode/
E3 leak, čas 17:32 https://www.incident.sk/z-web-stranky-e3-bolo-mozne-stiahnut-osobne-informacie-2000-novinarov-youtuberov-a-analytikov/
Fail tohto týždňa, čas 20:30 https://www.incident.sk/stockx-najprv-len-aktualizuju-potom-preveruju-a-nakoniec-priznaju-ze-mali-unik-udajov/
Snowden, čas 23:12 Brace for controversy: Edward Snowden has written a memoir
Google, čas 28:20 Google will charge search providers to be the Android default in Europe
Carole Cadwalladr, čas 33:05 Journalist behind Cambridge Analytica story launches crowd-funder after libel threat
AI/ML, čas 36:55 Chase commits to AI after machines outperform humans in copywriting trials
Fake Internet, čas 39:22 America’s DIY Phone Farmers
Lasers against drones, čas 45:11 Northrup Grumman is among the companies tapped to make the US Army’s drone-killing lasers
Surveillance balloons, čas 48:23 Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US
Streamovanie pohrebu, čas 54:26 Now Even Funerals Are Livestreamed—and Families Are Grateful
Data science, čas 56:33 I’m a data scientist who is skeptical about data
Vtipné správy a zaujímavosti, čas 1:07:22
Microsoft’s new Mac vs. PC ad gets a guy named ‘Mac Book’ to diss Apple https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2019/7/31/20749394/microsoft-mac-vs-pc-ad-mac-book-apple III "Smart toilet system" https://twitter.com/mbrennanchina/status/1156497140916482049?s=09 III So, Charles has created 8BITCOIN, a bitcoin miner for the Apple II. The numbers are, of course, still out - it appears that it will take a few trillion years for this grand machine to get an actual BTC, but it's doing its absolute best and that's all we can ask for. https://twitter.com/textfiles/status/1157302996847464449?s=09 III Should we fix the elevator? - naaaaah, just print a label bruh. https://twitter.com/HackingThings/status/1157831083091623936?s=09 III This UFO chicken coop https://twitter.com/CaliaDomenico/status/1157362447872864261?s=09 III NOPE! https://twitter.com/FOX10Phoenix/status/1158113124538408960?s=09
web: www.incident.sk
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