Modlitebné stretnutie 28.10.2023, Fondazione Cantonuovo, Siena, Maurizio Tiezzi, ZOOM, simultánny preklad z taliančiny (A. Zaťková-Tiezzi)

CREDITS: Io vedo il Re (SK: Vidím kráľa) CANTONUOVO MUSIC Angela Tancredi & Fabrizio Tiezzi Original title: I see the Lord - Autors: Don Moen & John Chusum - Editions: Integrity Hosanna Music/Stella del Mattino Ed. Musicali - Daniele Natrella: Drums - Davide Costantini: Bass, Hammond, Orchestration, Mix and Mastering - Lorenzo De Angelis: Acoustic and Elecrtic Guitars - Fabrizio Tiezzi: Piano - Angela Tancredi: Voice. Ideation of the project “Fiume di Lode”: Fabrizio Tiezzi and Angela Tancredi - Produced by: ©Fondazione Cantonuovo