We are changing the digital future. Want to know more? Listen to a talk show with Andreas Truls and his interesting guests.

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Tento podcast vychádza od 1. 6. 2022 info

Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 29 minút


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Let’s talk with Truls #05 – Corporate Culture

Watch the 5th episode of our talkshow hosted by Andreas Truls and his guests Martina Buhlová, Senior Project Manager from…

Watch the 5th episode of our talkshow hosted by Andreas Truls and his guests Martina Buhlová, Senior Project Manager from…

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Let’s talk with Truls #04 – Agile Methodology

How does Agile Methodology work in IT? They are based on people, a working product, pro-customer orientation and response to…

How does Agile Methodology work in IT? They are based on people, a working product, pro-customer orientation and response to…

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Let’s Talk with Truls #03 – Cyber Security

Cyber threats affect businesses and private systems every day. There are many motives and one of them is money. Do…

Cyber threats affect businesses and private systems every day. There are many motives and one of them is money. Do…

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Let’s Talk with Truls #02 – Application Development

Watch the second part of the talk show with Andreas Truls and his guest Veronika Hudzíková. We will reveal more…

Watch the second part of the talk show with Andreas Truls and his guest Veronika Hudzíková. We will reveal more…

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Let’s Talk with Truls #01 – Open Sovereign Cloud

Watch a new talkshow with Andreas Truls and his guests, Gabriel Gaura and Silvin Galus where we talk about a…

Watch a new talkshow with Andreas Truls and his guests, Gabriel Gaura and Silvin Galus where we talk about a…

Let’s Talk with Truls - informácie o podcaste

Za tvorbou podcastu stojí . We are changing the digital future. Want to know more? Listen to a talk show with Andreas Truls and his interesting guests.

Let’s Talk with Truls je zaradený do kategórie Technológie.

Let’s Talk with Truls je zaradený do kategórie Technológie. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Link, Fantastic Future, mAIndset, Klik, Technologický podcast SHARE | Živé.sk.