Shaping what you know and think about AI. Hosted by David Tvrdon, a technology journalist, entrepreneur, and media strategist, and Filip Vitek, an AI executive. We were looking for a practical podcast on AI and ended up creating it.

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Tento podcast vychádza od 9. 1. 2025 info

Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 46 minút


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You are watching (or listening to) the next episode of the⁠#mAIndsetpodcast⁠: Shaping What You Know And Think About AI. In…

You are watching (or listening to) the next episode of the⁠#mAIndsetpodcast⁠: Shaping What You Know And Think About AI. In…

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2025 AI Surprises, You Are Not Ready For

You are listening to the first episode of the mAIndset podcast. Send us your questions, feedback and topic suggestions at…

You are listening to the first episode of the mAIndset podcast. Send us your questions, feedback and topic suggestions at…

mAIndset - informácie o podcaste

Za tvorbou podcastu stojí . Shaping what you know and think about AI. Hosted by David Tvrdon, a technology journalist, entrepreneur, and media strategist, and Filip Vitek, an AI executive. We were looking for a practical podcast on AI and ended up creating it.

mAIndset je zaradený do kategórie Technológie.

mAIndset je zaradený do kategórie Technológie. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Link, ŽIJEME SCI-FI, Energia zajtrajška, Technologický podcast SHARE | Živé.sk, Stavba & Technológie.