
AI already running #JOB INTERVIEWS: Where Can Candidate Meet (and Use) AI Tools
The 6th EPISODE of #maindsetpodcast podcast is dedicated to role of AI In Hiring Process. Davis was lately in between…
The 6th EPISODE of #maindsetpodcast podcast is dedicated to role of AI In Hiring Process. Davis was lately in between…

AI AGENTS: Next Colleague Or Just Empty Hyped Promise?
You are watching (or listening to) the next episode of the #mAIndsetpodcast: Shaping What You Know And Think About AI….
You are watching (or listening to) the next episode of the #mAIndsetpodcast: Shaping What You Know And Think About AI….

You are watching (or listening to) the next episode of the#mAIndsetpodcast: Shaping What You Know And Think About AI. In…
You are watching (or listening to) the next episode of the#mAIndsetpodcast: Shaping What You Know And Think About AI. In…

OPEN SOURCE AI | It’s Share On AI Projects and Where It’s Heading
You are watching (or listening to) the next episode of the #mAIndsetpodcast: Shaping What You Know And Think About AI….
You are watching (or listening to) the next episode of the #mAIndsetpodcast: Shaping What You Know And Think About AI….
mAIndset - informácie o podcaste
Za tvorbou podcastu stojí Filip Vitek and David Tvrdon. Shaping what you know and think about AI. Hosted by David Tvrdon, a technology journalist, entrepreneur, and media strategist, and Filip Vitek, an AI executive. We were looking for a practical podcast on AI and ended up creating it.
mAIndset je zaradený do kategórie Technológie.
mAIndset je zaradený do kategórie Technológie. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Link, ŽIJEME SCI-FI, Energia zajtrajška, Technologický podcast SHARE | Živé.sk, Stavba & Technológie.