Biblický komentár a katechéza ku knihe Genezis (časť 2) #biblia #pismo #náboženství #genezis Zdroje: Biblehub Knihy Dubovský, P., ed., Genezis, Komentáre k Starému zákonu 1, Trnava 2008. Louth, A. – Conti, M., Genesi 1-11, Roma 20172a rist. BibleProject: • Spoznaj Bibliu: Stará zmluva/TaNaK • Spoznaj Bibliu : Genezis 1-11 Fr. Larry Young • Catholic Introduction to the Old Test... Enuma Elish | The Babylonian Epic of Creation | Complete Audiobook | With Commentary • Enuma Elish | The Babylonian Epic of... Jordan B Peterson • The Psychological Significance of the... Tiamat Kingu