V dnešnom podcaste si povieme o tom, ako vplývajú dezodoranty a antiperspiranty na mikroflóru v podpazuší, predstavíme si Charlesa Darwina, ďalej o tom, ako počítač porazil majstra Európy v hre Go a na záver si povieme nejaké zaujímavosti o našej planéte. [tabs] [tab title="Témy"] Intro Antiperspiranty a mikroflóra Charles Darwin Počítač porazil človeka v hre Go Naša planéta sú vlastne dve Fakt a fikcia Outro [/tab] [tab title="Zdroje"] Antiperspirant Alters the Microbial Ecosystem on Your Skin Charles Darwin In a Huge Breakthrough, Google’s AI Beats a Top Player at the Game of Go Go (game) Earth is made up of two planets fused together, new research suggests Moon was produced by a head-on collision between Earth and a forming planet Have national smoking bans worked in reducing harms in passive smoking? Mystery of deep-sea 'purple sock' solved [/tab] [/tabs]