V dnešnej časti si predstavíme Normana Borlauga, odpovieme na otázku, či je voda z vodovodu zdravotne nezávadná a povieme si o terapii včelím jedom. [tabs] [tab title="Témy"] Intro Norman Borlaug Je voda z vodovodu zdravotne nezávadná? Terapia včelím jedom Fakt a fikcia Outro [/tab] [tab title="Zdroje"] Norman Borlaug Can Birth Control Hormones Be Filtered from the Water Supply? Birth Control Hormones In Water: Separating Myth From Fact Are oral contraceptives a significant contributor to the estrogenicity of drinking water? Beware The Honey Trap: Gwyneth Promotes Bee Venom Therapy Bee Venom Therapy Update First high-energy neutrino traced to an origin outside of the Milky Way SpaceX plans to debut Red Dragon with 2018 Mars mission Metal foam can stop speeding bullets in their tracks, scientists discover [/tab] [/tabs]