V dnešnom podcaste si povieme o tom, prečo vlastne nestrieľame nukleárny odpad do Slnka a o tom, či robí láska ľudí hlúpejšími. [tabs] [tab title="Témy"] Intro  Prečo nestrieľame nukleárny odpad do Slnka?  Robí láska ľudí hlúpejšími?  Fakt a fikcia Outro [/tab] [tab title="Zdroje"] CAN WE LAUNCH NUCLEAR WASTE INTO THE SUN? Being in a Romantic Relationship Is Associated with Reduced Gray Matter Density in Striatum and Increased Subjective Happiness Is a Drunk Witness a Bad Witness? The Hard Truth about the Rhino Horn “Aphrodisiac” Market Shoulder pad foam layer plays role in fewer concussions, researchers find [/tab] [/tabs]