V tomto podcaste budeme hovoriť o účinkoch kolagénových doplnkov výživy a kolagénových injekciách. Potom o vysokej pokute, ktorú dostal predátorský žurnál. Na záver si povieme o tom, ako viera v konšpiračné teórie podnecuje predsudky aj voči iným skupinám ľudí. Pseudocast 393 na YouTube Zdroje Collagen: The Fibrous Proteins of the MatrixScurvyCollagen hydrolysate for the treatment of osteoarthritis and other joint disorders: a review of the literature.24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain.Effect of polymerized‐type I collagen in knee osteoarthritis. II. In vivo studyEfficacy of Intra-articular Collagen Injection in Patients With Knee Joint Pain Compared to Normal Saline InjectionPredatory Publisher Fined $50 Million After Scamming Thousands of ScientistsCourt Rules in FTC’s Favor Against Predatory Academic Publisher OMICS Group; Imposes $50.1 Million Judgment against Defendants That Made False Claims and Hid Publishing FeesHow Kim Kardashian And The Inventor of Bitcoin Teamed Up to Write a Scientific PaperKonšpiračné teórie o jednej skupine ľudí podnecujú predsudky aj k inýmExposure to intergroup conspiracy theories promotes prejudice which spreads across groups