V tomto podcaste budeme hovoriť o vplyve kvality manželstva na život dieťaťa, za akých podmienok môže človek prežiť zásah bleskom a o tom, či by sme mali piť surové (tepelne neupravené) mlieko. Pseudocast 439 na YouTube Zdroje Parents’ Marital Quality and Children’s Transition to AdulthoodLove matters: How parents’ love shapes children’s livesLightningDebunked: 5 lightning myths that could kill youWhat Happens When You Get Struck By LightningLightning injuryBleskPseudocast #11 – Čo je to blesk?Dairy product consumption and development of cancer: an overview of reviewsRaw or heated cow milk consumption: Review of risks and benefitsDairy Intake and Acne Vulgaris: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 78,529 Children, Adolescents, and Young AdultsEscherichia coli 0157:H7 Infections in Children Associated with Raw Milk and Raw Colostrum From Cows --- California, 2006Microbiological Quality of Raw Milk in the Czech Republic.Raw drinking milk: what are the risks?