V tomto podcaste budeme hovoriť o novej metóde výroby rôznych palív (a napríklad aj alkoholu), o živom betóne vyrobenom za pomoci baktérií a druhýkrát v histórii Pseudocastu si (vďaka osirisovej nepozornosti) predstavíme Ignáca Semmelweisa Pseudocast 451 na YouTube Zdroje Making commodity chemicals requires fossil fuels. New devices could do it with renewablesElectrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to ethylene and ethanol through hydrogen-assisted C–C coupling over fluorine-modified copperNon-aqueous gas diffusion electrodes for rapid ammonia synthesis from nitrogen and water-splitting-derived hydrogenBiomineralization and Successive Regeneration of Engineered Living Building MaterialsThis ‘living’ concrete slurps up a greenhouse gasIgnaz SemmelweisIgnác Semmelweis, záchranca matiek Picture credit : U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Michael Lindsey / Public domain