V tomto podcaste budeme hovoriť o časopise Quark, o novej štúdii o autizme, novoobjavených zdrojoch metánu a o tom, či mikroplasty v atmosfére vplývaju na globálnu alebo lokálnu teplotu.
Pseudocast 531 na YouTube
Časopis QuarkTherapy with babies boosts social development, reducing clinical autism diagnosis by two-thirdsEffect of Preemptive Intervention on Developmental Outcomes Among Infants Showing Early Signs of AutismSatellites discover huge amounts of undeclared methane emissionsMonitoring methane emissions from gas pipelinesSpotting Mystery Methane Leaks From SpaceHow Airborne Microplastics Affect Climate Change
Picture credit : Scientific Visualization Studio/Goddard Space Flight Center, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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