V tejto časti podcastu si trošku zaspomíname na staré IT časy, budeme hovoriť ženských taktikách dvorenia, že nemáme jesť voľne žijúcich ježkov, ako AI pomáha hľadat meteority na Antarktíde a na záver sa porozprávame o filme Don't Look Up (varovanie : veľa spoilerov).
Pseudocast 541 na YouTube
I saw him first: Competitive nonverbal flirting among women, the tactics used and their perceived effectivenessEmergence of methicillin resistance predates the clinical use of antibioticsHedgehogs as a Potential Source of Zoonotic Pathogens—A Review and an Update of KnowledgeOutbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Pet HedgehogsMachine learning points to prime places in Antarctica to find meteoritesAntarctic Meteorite Stranding ZonesDon't Look Up (2021)
Image by Ferenc Szabó from Pixabay
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