V dnešnom podcaste budeme hovoriť o tom, že požívanie alkoholu škodí mozgu ešte viac, ako sme si doteraz mysleli, že väčšina ľudí dýcha nezdravý vzduch a na záver si dáme fakt a fikciu. Pseudocast 551 na YouTube Zdroje Associations between alcohol consumption and gray and white matter volumes in the UK BiobankA powerful resource to improve public healthA Shocking 99% of Us Are Now Breathing Unhealthy Air, WHO WarnsBillions of people still breathe unhealthy air: new WHO dataBison Slaughter’s Destructive Legacy for Native AmericansUnderwater cables stop crabs in their tracksFirst-Ever mRNA Vaccine for Lyme Disease Shows Promise in Guinea PigsAzteca ants repair damage to their Cecropia host plants Image by pen_ash from Pixabay