V tomto podcasteme budeme hovoriť zaujímavom koncepte fúzie, o nových materiáloch v NASA, nakoľko je pri chudnutí účinný prerušovaný pôst a na záver bude Fakt a fikcia.
Pseudocast 555 na YouTube
First Light FusionA new path to nuclear fusion? A novel pistol shrimp-inspired system succeededNASA’s New Material Built to Withstand Extreme ConditionsNASA's Additive Manufacturing Alloys for High Temperature Applications WebinarNenašli prínos prerušovaného pôstu pri redukcii hmotnosti, obvodu pása či krvného tlakuCalorie Restriction with or without Time-Restricted Eating in Weight LossHuman activities might influence oncogenic processes in wild animal populationsApoptosis propagates through the cytoplasm as trigger wavesFrozen Food Fan? As Sales Rise, Studies Show Frozen Produce Is As Healthy As FreshAcute Effect of Hookah Smoking on Arterial Stiffness and Wave Reflections in Adults Aged 18 to 34 Years of Age
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