V tomto podcaste budeme hovoriť o novinkách v oblasti rezistencie baktérií voči antibiotikám a o projekte, ktorý mapuje, koľko CO2 je ešte ukrytého v nevyťažených fosílnych palivách.
Pseudocast 575 na YouTube
FabimycinAn Iterative Approach Guides Discovery of the FabI Inhibitor Fabimycin, a Late-Stage Antibiotic Candidate with In Vivo Efficacy against Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative InfectionsGram-negative bacteriaEnding Routine Farm Antibiotic Use In EuropeThis Is How Much Fossil Fuel The World Is Sitting on, And It's a Time BombCarbon Budgets
Image by Raman Oza from Pixabay
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