Daryl Davis and Stano Daniel. Two men, activists, who do belong to minorities in their countries. Do they, despite their social status, middle-class income, education and relative comfort they live in, feel like they belong to minorities? Zuza Fialová asked them during the conference The Power of Cities, why oppressed people behave differently and why it is sometimes so difficult to understand each other.
The podcast has been recorded during the live conference in October 2022. Discussion was a part of the conference within the program The Power of Cities in Bratislava.
The Program has been supported by the Embassy of the United States in Bratislava. To read more about the program, click here.
Diskusia, sa uskutočnila na konferencii v rámci programu Sila miest (The Power of Cities) v Bratislave. Program Sila Miest je podporený Veľvyslanectvom Spojených štátov amerických v Bratislave. Viac informácií o projekte nájdete tu