Dnes zavítame do nacistického Nemecka: V čom spočíva a prečo je dôležité Ježišove židovstvo? Akým spôsobom chcela nacistická veda spraviť z Ježiša árijca? A aký význam majú tieto otázky dnes?


Použitá a odporúčaná literatúra:

Chancey, The Myth of a Gentile Galilee. Ericksen, Theologians Under Hitler. Ericksen, 'Wartime Writings'. Evans, Jesus and His World. Fiensy, Strange (eds.), Galilee in the Late Second Temple and Mishnaic Periods, vols. 1 & 2. Freyne, Galilee. Freyne, Jesus, a Jewish Galilean. Head, ‘The Nazi Quest for an Aryan Jesus’. Heschel, Aryan Jesus. Heschel, ‘Nazifying Christian theology: Walter Grundmann and the Institute for the study and eradication of Jewish influence on German church life’. Levine (ed.), The Historical Jesus in Context. Levine, The Misunderstood Jew. Levine, Brettler (eds.), The Jewish Annotated New Testament. Meyers, ‘How Jewish Was Sepphoris in Jesus’ Time?’ Probst, '”An incessant army of demons”: Wolf Meyer-Erlach, Luther, and “the Jews” in Nazi Germany’. Reed, Archaeology and the Galilean Jesus. Valent, ‘Kto boli „praví Árijci“ a odkiaľ sa vzali?’ Weinrich, Hitler’s Professors. Zeman, ‘Ako vyzeral Ježiš?’

Súvisiace dávky:

PD#56: Slováci v starovekej synagóge, https://bit.ly/2V8n7wD 


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