Ako vidia biblický príbeh o exode z Egypta odborníci? Mohlo ísť o reálnu historickú udalosť? A vraví biblická tradícia naozaj o prechode cez Červené more? 


Súvisiace dávky

PD#256 Má svet v Biblii len 6000 rokov?, https://bit.ly/davka256 PD#108 Vianočná veda: našla sa betlehemská hviezda?, https://bit.ly/davka108  PD#108 O Ježišovi s Davidom Cielontkom, https://bit.ly/davka220 PD#174 Ako vznikala Biblia?, https://bit.ly/davka174

Použitá a odporúčaná literatúra 

Finkelstein, Silberman, The Bible Unearthed, 2001. Friedman, Who Wrote the Bible?, 2019. Gordon, Rendsburg, The Ancient Near East, 1997. Hoffmeier, Israel in Egypt, 1997. Hoffmeier, Ancient Israel in Sinai, 2005.  Hoffmeier, Millar, Rendsburg (eds.), "Did I Not Bring Israel Out of Egypt?", 2016. Janzen (ed.), Five Views on the Exodus, 2021. Kitchens, On the Reliability of the Old Testament, 2003. Noegel “The Egyptian Origin of the Ark of the Covenant”, 2015. Homan, “The Tabernacle in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context”, 2018. Sarna, Exploring Exodus, 1996. Shanks (ed.), Ancient Israel, 1988. Konferencia "Out of Egypt", 2013.  


Odporúčané linky


Hayes, Israel in Egypt, https://youtu.be/h_UmuEBmS5k Hayes, Exodus, https://youtu.be/kS17dLuTPd0 Hoffmeier, The Exodus, https://youtu.be/gKiCaab3jno Hoffmeier, Moshier, Moses Did Not Sleep Here, https://youtu.be/1zHaMQURvTc Humphreys vs. Price, https://bit.ly/humphreysprice Konferencia "Out of Egypt", http://exodus.calit2.net/ The Bible Unearthed, https://youtu.be/cW-LV84c_O8



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