Kategórie: Náboženstvo a duchovnosť Kresťanstvo
Tento podcast vychádza od 31. 12. 2009
Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 3 minút

Matúša 1 – Matthew 1
Ježiš je narodený – Jesus is born.
Ježiš je narodený – Jesus is born.

Matúša 2 – Matthew 2
Ježiš ‚Rodina sa sťahuje – Jesus‘ family moves to Egypt, then to Galilee.
Ježiš ‚Rodina sa sťahuje – Jesus‘ family moves to Egypt, then to Galilee.

Matúša 3 – Matthew 3
John novokřtěnec – Jesus‘ way is paved by John the baptist.
John novokřtěnec – Jesus‘ way is paved by John the baptist.

Matúša 4 – Matthew 4
Ježiš je testovaný Satan – Jesus is tested by Satan.
Ježiš je testovaný Satan – Jesus is tested by Satan.

Matúša 5 – Matthew 5
Ježiš – šťastie & právo – Jesus preaches on happiness and on the law.
Ježiš – šťastie & právo – Jesus preaches on happiness and on the law.

Matúša 6 – Matthew 6
Ježiš – showiness a starosti – Jesus preaches on showiness and on worry.
Ježiš – showiness a starosti – Jesus preaches on showiness and on worry.

Matúša 7 – Matthew 7
Providence a ovocie-niesť – Jesus preaches on providence and on fruit-bearing.
Providence a ovocie-niesť – Jesus preaches on providence and on fruit-bearing.

Matúša 8 – Matthew 8
Ježiš lieči veľa – Jesus heals many.
Ježiš lieči veľa – Jesus heals many.

Matúša 9 – Matthew 9
Ježiš uzdravuje a Matthew s názvom – Jesus heals more and calls Matthew.
Ježiš uzdravuje a Matthew s názvom – Jesus heals more and calls Matthew.
Romaňi čhib pal o vichodno Slovensko Biblia (zdramatizoval) – Romani, East Slovak Bible (Non-Dramatized) - informácie o podcaste
Za tvorbou podcastu stojí Faith Comes By Hearing. The Romani, East Slovak Audio New Testament (WFW) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible. For a list of other available languages go to our website at http://FaithComesByHearing.com. The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
Romaňi čhib pal o vichodno Slovensko Biblia (zdramatizoval) – Romani, East Slovak Bible (Non-Dramatized) je zaradený do kategórie Náboženstvo a duchovnosť, Kresťanstvo.
Romaňi čhib pal o vichodno Slovensko Biblia (zdramatizoval) – Romani, East Slovak Bible (Non-Dramatized) je zaradený do kategórie Náboženstvo a duchovnosť. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú God Bless, Tesnou bránou - biblické zamyslenia na každý deň, Biskup Jozef Haľko, Otcovo srdce pre Slovensko, Kóšer podcast.