The Romani, East Slovak Audio Drama New Testament (WFW) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full sound effects. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
Kategórie: Náboženstvo a duchovnosť Kresťanstvo
Tento podcast vychádza od 31. 12. 2009
Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 3 minút
![1 Korintským 8 – 1 Corinthians 8 episode thumbnail](
1 Korintským 8 – 1 Corinthians 8
Modlám obetované – Eating meet sacrificed to idols can harm a weak brother.
Modlám obetované – Eating meet sacrificed to idols can harm a weak brother.
![1 Korintským 9 – 1 Corinthians 9 episode thumbnail](
1 Korintským 9 – 1 Corinthians 9
Paul vzdá svojich práv – Paul didn’t always take advantage of the apostles‘ rights.
Paul vzdá svojich práv – Paul didn’t always take advantage of the apostles‘ rights.
![1 Korintským 10 – 1 Corinthians 10 episode thumbnail](
1 Korintským 10 – 1 Corinthians 10
Varovanie pred idolatory – Do not be overcome by temptations.
Varovanie pred idolatory – Do not be overcome by temptations.
![1 Korintským 11 – 1 Corinthians 11 episode thumbnail](
1 Korintským 11 – 1 Corinthians 11
Večera Pána – The Lord’s Supper must be done in the right way.
Večera Pána – The Lord’s Supper must be done in the right way.
![1 Korintským 12 – 1 Corinthians 12 episode thumbnail](
1 Korintským 12 – 1 Corinthians 12
Duchovné dary – There are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit.
Duchovné dary – There are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit.
![1 Korintským 13 – 1 Corinthians 13 episode thumbnail](
1 Korintským 13 – 1 Corinthians 13
Spôsob lásky – Love is superior to miraculous gifts.
Spôsob lásky – Love is superior to miraculous gifts.
![1 Korintským 14 – 1 Corinthians 14 episode thumbnail](
1 Korintským 14 – 1 Corinthians 14
Bohoslužby v usporiadaným – Worship assemblies must be carried out in an orderly manner.
Bohoslužby v usporiadaným – Worship assemblies must be carried out in an orderly manner.
![1 Korintským 15 – 1 Corinthians 15 episode thumbnail](
1 Korintským 15 – 1 Corinthians 15
Vzkriesenie a evanjelium – The resurrection is a central part of the gospel.
Vzkriesenie a evanjelium – The resurrection is a central part of the gospel.
![1 Korintským 16 – 1 Corinthians 16 episode thumbnail](
1 Korintským 16 – 1 Corinthians 16
Kolekcia pre svätej – Share greetings among the church.
Kolekcia pre svätej – Share greetings among the church.
Romaňi čhib pal o vichodno Slovensko Biblia (zdramatizoval) – Romani, East Slovak Bible (Non-zdramatizoval) - informácie o podcaste
Za tvorbou podcastu stojí Faith Comes By Hearing. The Romani, East Slovak Audio Drama New Testament (WFW) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full sound effects. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
Romaňi čhib pal o vichodno Slovensko Biblia (zdramatizoval) – Romani, East Slovak Bible (Non-zdramatizoval) je zaradený do kategórie Náboženstvo a duchovnosť, Kresťanstvo.
Romaňi čhib pal o vichodno Slovensko Biblia (zdramatizoval) – Romani, East Slovak Bible (Non-zdramatizoval) je zaradený do kategórie Náboženstvo a duchovnosť. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Páter Peter Podcast, Božie Slovo medzi nami, inšpirujúce Slovo+, Godzone podcast, Biskup Jozef Haľko.