The Romani, East Slovak Audio Drama New Testament (WFW) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full sound effects. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
Kategórie: Náboženstvo a duchovnosť Kresťanstvo
Tento podcast vychádza od 31. 12. 2009
Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 3 minút
Zjavenie 13 – Revelation 13
Sedem-viedol beštiu – The seven-headed beast comes up out of the sea.
Sedem-viedol beštiu – The seven-headed beast comes up out of the sea.
Zjavenie 14 – Revelation 14
Krajina je pozbierala – The earth is harvested.
Krajina je pozbierala – The earth is harvested.
Zjavenie 15 – Revelation 15
Pieseň je spievanie Mojžiša – The song of Moses is sung.
Pieseň je spievanie Mojžiša – The song of Moses is sung.
Zjavenie 16 – Revelation 16
Sedem nádob vylial – The seven bowls of wrath are poured out.
Sedem nádob vylial – The seven bowls of wrath are poured out.
Zjavenie 17 – Revelation 17
Dravej šelme purpurové farby & ženu – A woman sits on a scarlet beast.
Dravej šelme purpurové farby & ženu – A woman sits on a scarlet beast.
Zjavenie 18 – Revelation 18
Babylon Great Falls – Babylon the Great falls.
Babylon Great Falls – Babylon the Great falls.
Zjavenie 19 – Revelation 19
Šelma je potrestaný – God’s people rejoice as the beast is punished.
Šelma je potrestaný – God’s people rejoice as the beast is punished.
Zjavenie 20 – Revelation 20
Mŕtvi sú posudzované – The dead appear at the throne and are judged.
Mŕtvi sú posudzované – The dead appear at the throne and are judged.
Zjavenie 21 – Revelation 21
Nový Jeruzalem – The New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven.
Nový Jeruzalem – The New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven.
Romaňi čhib pal o vichodno Slovensko Biblia (zdramatizoval) – Romani, East Slovak Bible (Non-zdramatizoval) - informácie o podcaste
Za tvorbou podcastu stojí Faith Comes By Hearing. The Romani, East Slovak Audio Drama New Testament (WFW) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full sound effects. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
Romaňi čhib pal o vichodno Slovensko Biblia (zdramatizoval) – Romani, East Slovak Bible (Non-zdramatizoval) je zaradený do kategórie Náboženstvo a duchovnosť, Kresťanstvo.
Romaňi čhib pal o vichodno Slovensko Biblia (zdramatizoval) – Romani, East Slovak Bible (Non-zdramatizoval) je zaradený do kategórie Náboženstvo a duchovnosť. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú inšpirujúce Slovo+, KAIROS, Páter Peter Podcast, Kázne, Zabudnuté cesty.