Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Slovak-speaking Australians. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you. – Nezávislé správy, čo vás spájajú so životom v Austrálii a Austrálčanmi hovoriacimi po slovensky. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you.
Kategórie: Správy Denné správy
Tento podcast vychádza od 6. 2. 2020
Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 12 minút
Summary of news from Slovakia as of 7/11/21 – Súhrn správ zo Slovenska k 7.novembru 2021
Report by our Slovak correspondent, Dennis Bartalský as of 7/11/21 – Reportáž od nášho spolupracovníka zo Slovenska, Dennisa Bartalského k…
Report by our Slovak correspondent, Dennis Bartalský as of 7/11/21 – Reportáž od nášho spolupracovníka zo Slovenska, Dennisa Bartalského k…
Nezabudli ste na preventívnu prehliadku u kožného lekára?
Začína sa leto a po dvoch rokoch pandémie, kedy sme kvôli covidu odkladali preventívne prehliadky, sa kožní lekári obávajú nárastu…
Začína sa leto a po dvoch rokoch pandémie, kedy sme kvôli covidu odkladali preventívne prehliadky, sa kožní lekári obávajú nárastu…
Timing and form of the international students’ return to Australia is shaping up – Termín a podoba návratu zahraničných študentov do Austrálie začína mať presnejšie kontúry
Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration, TGA has officially recognised two additional vaccines for inoculation against COVID-19. – Austrálsky Úrad pre liečivá…
Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration, TGA has officially recognised two additional vaccines for inoculation against COVID-19. – Austrálsky Úrad pre liečivá…
News in Slovak 7/11/21 – Správy v slovenčine 7.novembra 2021
Summary of SBS news from Australia and the world 7/11/21 – Súhrn správ z Austrálie a zo sveta od SBS…
Summary of SBS news from Australia and the world 7/11/21 – Súhrn správ z Austrálie a zo sveta od SBS…
SBS News in Slovak language (31/10/21) – Správy SBS NEWS v slovenčine (31.októbra 2021)
Summary of SBS news from Australia and around the world as of 31/10/21 – Súhrn správ z Austrálie a zo…
Summary of SBS news from Australia and around the world as of 31/10/21 – Súhrn správ z Austrálie a zo…
„The roots of Halloween go back to Europe,“ says ethnologist Katarína Nádaská – “Paradoxne, aj korene Halloweenu siahajú do Európy”, hovorí etnologička Katarína Nádaská
… and once resembled the All Saint’s and Souls’ day celebrations as we know them from Slovakia. „Halloween did not…
… and once resembled the All Saint’s and Souls’ day celebrations as we know them from Slovakia. „Halloween did not…
Controversial government anti-voter fraud bill is introduced – Kontroverzný zákon má zamedziť volebným podvodom
Australian voters could be asked to show identification before casting their ballot at the next election under a new bill…
Australian voters could be asked to show identification before casting their ballot at the next election under a new bill…
Week in Slovakia 25-31/10/21 – Týždeň na Slovensku 25-31.10.2021
Report by our Slovak correspondent, Dennis Bartalský as of 31/10/21 – Reportáž od nášho spolupracovníka zo Slovenska, Dennisa Bartalského k…
Report by our Slovak correspondent, Dennis Bartalský as of 31/10/21 – Reportáž od nášho spolupracovníka zo Slovenska, Dennisa Bartalského k…
“I was told, that fujara is a lady and she can only be played by men” – “Vyčítali mi, že fujara je žena a hrať na ňu môže iba muž”
When Veronika Vitázková published a video in which she plays the didgeridoo, her critics accused her of disrespecting the sacred…
When Veronika Vitázková published a video in which she plays the didgeridoo, her critics accused her of disrespecting the sacred…
SBS Slovak – SBS po slovensky - informácie o podcaste
Za tvorbou podcastu stojí SBS Audio. Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Slovak-speaking Australians. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you. - Nezávislé správy, čo vás spájajú so životom v Austrálii a Austrálčanmi hovoriacimi po slovensky. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you.
SBS Slovak – SBS po slovensky je zaradený do kategórie Správy, Denné správy.
SBS Slovak – SBS po slovensky je zaradený do kategórie Správy. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Línia zločinu, Dobré ráno | Denný podcast denníka SME, V redakcii, Braňo Závodský Naživo, Bárdy & Káčer.