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Super Slovaks are coming our way – Prichádzajú k nám Super Slováci

Each nation has its own heroes and our own- Slovak heroes are subject of a new book, which will be…

Each nation has its own heroes and our own- Slovak heroes are subject of a new book, which will be…

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Slovak News 18.4.2021 – Slovenské správy 18.4.2021

News bulletin by SBS NACA – Hlavné udalosti dňa od SBS novinárov

News bulletin by SBS NACA – Hlavné udalosti dňa od SBS novinárov

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Week ending 18/4/2021 in Slovakia – Týždeň na Slovensku k 18.aprílu 2021

A summary of events in Slovakia for week ending April 18, produced by Dennis Bartalsky – Súhrn udalostí na Slovensku…

A summary of events in Slovakia for week ending April 18, produced by Dennis Bartalsky – Súhrn udalostí na Slovensku…

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The weather in recent months has been dictated by La Niña – Počasie v posledných mesiacoch diktovala La Niña

Australian summer of 2020/21 was a little colder and wetter than in previous years. It was dictated by the La…

Australian summer of 2020/21 was a little colder and wetter than in previous years. It was dictated by the La…

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Australia’s vaccine strategy changes – Austrálska stratégia očkovania sa mení

Australia has secured an additional 20 million Pfizer coronavirus vaccines, doubling the amount of doses set to arrive in the…

Australia has secured an additional 20 million Pfizer coronavirus vaccines, doubling the amount of doses set to arrive in the…

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Slovak News 11.4.2021 – Slovenské správy 11.4.2021

News bulletin by SBS NACA – Hlavné udalosti dňa od SBS novinárov

News bulletin by SBS NACA – Hlavné udalosti dňa od SBS novinárov

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The 11th April is World Parkinson’s Day – Dnes je svetový deň Parkinsonovej choroby

Today in Australia, 37 people will hear the words ‘you have Parkinson’s’ for the very first time. That’s more than…

Today in Australia, 37 people will hear the words ‘you have Parkinson’s’ for the very first time. That’s more than…

SBS Slovak – SBS po slovensky - informácie o podcaste

Za tvorbou podcastu stojí . Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Slovak-speaking Australians. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at sbs.com.au/slovak or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you. - Nezávislé správy, čo vás spájajú so životom v Austrálii a Austrálčanmi hovoriacimi po slovensky. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at sbs.com.au/slovak or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you.

SBS Slovak – SBS po slovensky je zaradený do kategórie Správy, Denné správy.

SBS Slovak – SBS po slovensky je zaradený do kategórie Správy. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Dobré ráno | Denný podcast denníka SME, V redakcii, Bárdy & Káčer, TV JOJ 24 Podcast, Podcasty Aktuality.sk.