Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Slovak-speaking Australians. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you. – Nezávislé správy, čo vás spájajú so životom v Austrálii a Austrálčanmi hovoriacimi po slovensky. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you.
Kategórie: Správy Denné správy
Tento podcast vychádza od 6. 2. 2020
Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 12 minút
Pellegrini challenged Fico to resign – Pellegrini vyzval Fica na odchod
Regular stringer report from Roman Risa in Bratislava. – Pravidelný telefonát týždňa Romana Rišu z Bratislavy.
Regular stringer report from Roman Risa in Bratislava. – Pravidelný telefonát týždňa Romana Rišu z Bratislavy.
Slovak language news on SBS Australia, Sunday 31st May 2020, including extensive coverage of COVID-19 – Správy v austrálskom Rádiu SBS v slovenčine 31. 05. 2020 vrátane širokého pokrytia koronavírusu
News bulletin in Slovak language on SBS Radio Australia from Sunday 31st May 2020, including extensive coverage of COVID-19. –…
News bulletin in Slovak language on SBS Radio Australia from Sunday 31st May 2020, including extensive coverage of COVID-19. –…
Gymnastics expert Anton Gajdos celebrates 80 and talks about importance of healthy lifestyle – Osemdesiatnik Anton Gajdoš spomína aj na Irak, Fínsko a najmä gymnastiku
Exclusive interview with Slovak gymnast Anton Gajdos, celebrating 80th birthday and talking about life during pandemic, memories and gives advise…
Exclusive interview with Slovak gymnast Anton Gajdos, celebrating 80th birthday and talking about life during pandemic, memories and gives advise…
Slovak born NHL legend Stan Mikita would be 80 – Legendárny v NHL Stan Mikita by mal 80. Krásne hovoril po slovensky
Famous Slovak born ice hockey player Stan Mikita, who died 2 years ago, would have 80th birthday. Spoke great Slovak,…
Famous Slovak born ice hockey player Stan Mikita, who died 2 years ago, would have 80th birthday. Spoke great Slovak,…
Slovak born NHL legend Stan Mikita would be 80 – Legendárny v NHL Stan Mikita by mal 80. Krásne hovoril po slovensky
Famous Slovak born ice hockey player Stan Mikita, who died 2 years ago, would have 80th birthday. Spoke great Slovak,…
Famous Slovak born ice hockey player Stan Mikita, who died 2 years ago, would have 80th birthday. Spoke great Slovak,…
Martin Kukucin – 160 years – Pred 160 rokmi sa narodil Martin Kukučín
Short feature about the famous Slovak doctor and literate Martin Kukucin, who was born exactly 160 years ago. – Krátka…
Short feature about the famous Slovak doctor and literate Martin Kukucin, who was born exactly 160 years ago. – Krátka…
Martin Kukucin – 160 years – Pred 160 rokmi sa narodil Martin Kukučín
Short feature about the famous Slovak doctor and literate Martin Kukucin, who was born exactly 160 years ago. – Krátka…
Short feature about the famous Slovak doctor and literate Martin Kukucin, who was born exactly 160 years ago. – Krátka…
Who is next leader of falling SMER: Fico or Pellegrini? – Súboj Fica s Pellegrinim o budúcnosť padajúceho Smeru
Regular stringer report from Roman Risa in Bratislava. – Pravidelný telefonát týždňa Romana Rišu z Bratislavy.
Regular stringer report from Roman Risa in Bratislava. – Pravidelný telefonát týždňa Romana Rišu z Bratislavy.
Slovak language news on SBS Australia, Sunday 24th May 2020, including extensive coverage of COVID-19 – Správy v austrálskom Rádiu SBS v slovenčine 24. 05. 2020 vrátane širokého pokrytia koronavírusu
News bulletin in Slovak language on SBS Radio Australia from Sunday 24th May 2020, including extensive coverage of COVID-19. –…
News bulletin in Slovak language on SBS Radio Australia from Sunday 24th May 2020, including extensive coverage of COVID-19. –…
SBS Slovak – SBS po slovensky - informácie o podcaste
Za tvorbou podcastu stojí SBS Audio. Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Slovak-speaking Australians. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you. - Nezávislé správy, čo vás spájajú so životom v Austrálii a Austrálčanmi hovoriacimi po slovensky. Audience Update: This is a reminder to listeners of SBS Slovak. Following the result of the Language Services Review in 2023, the service has been decommissioned and is no longer broadcasting. You can find our last content on the website at or via your podcast provider. This website is not actively updated. Thank you.
SBS Slovak – SBS po slovensky je zaradený do kategórie Správy, Denné správy.
SBS Slovak – SBS po slovensky je zaradený do kategórie Správy. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Dobré ráno | Denný podcast denníka SME, Aréna s Janou Krescanko Dibákovou, V redakcii, Braňo Závodský Naživo, Denník N Newsfilter.