“If you don't have facts, you can't have truth. If you don't have truth, you can't have trust", said Filipina journalist Maria Ressa, who was awarded this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Along with Russian newspaper editor Dmitry Muratov they hope the award will highlight the importance of freedom of speech, in a world where press freedom is under threat. - "Bez faktov nemáte pravdu, bez pravdy nemáte dôveru", povedala tohtoročná laureátka Nobelovej ceny mieru, Filipínska novinárka Maria Ressa. Spolu s Ruským novinárom Dmitrij Muratovom získali prestížnu cenu za svoje úsilie o ochranu slobody prejavu, ktorá je nevyhnutným predpokladom pre demokraciu a trvalý mier.
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