
Sulík: Matovič sa podpísal pod rozvrat verejných financií. Neviem, kedy boli takto zlé vedené
Richard Sulík o schválenom prorodinnom balíčku z dielne ministra financií Igora Matoviča.
Richard Sulík o schválenom prorodinnom balíčku z dielne ministra financií Igora Matoviča.

TRENDY Fridays: State, Slovnaft, or drivers – who benefits from cheap Russian oil?
This week, we are covering the debate around putting a new tax on Russian oil, record-breaking inflation and how it…
This week, we are covering the debate around putting a new tax on Russian oil, record-breaking inflation and how it…

TRENDY Fridays: Slovakia can’t afford to lose Russian gas
This week, we are covering the danger, especially for the baking business, of being cut off from Russian gas, news…
This week, we are covering the danger, especially for the baking business, of being cut off from Russian gas, news…

TRENDY Fridays: Pensions saving is getting reformed and pensions devalued
This week, we are covering an amendment to the pension scheme, the upcoming summer tourist season and what it means…
This week, we are covering an amendment to the pension scheme, the upcoming summer tourist season and what it means…

Pavol Štuller o Jaslovských Bohuniciach, novom jadrovom bloku a zelenom vodíku
Šéf Jadrovej a vyraďovacej spoločnosti hovorí o dôležitosti atómovej energie v energetickom mixe Slovenska aj EÚ
Šéf Jadrovej a vyraďovacej spoločnosti hovorí o dôležitosti atómovej energie v energetickom mixe Slovenska aj EÚ

TRENDY Fridays: Fico walks free
This week, we are covering the parliamentary vote for the detention of Robert Fico, the effects of the Russian oil…
This week, we are covering the parliamentary vote for the detention of Robert Fico, the effects of the Russian oil…

TRENDY Fridays: Should Slovakia fear Russia cutting it off its gas?
This week, we are covering the possibility of Russia shutting off the gas supplies to Slovakia, the crisis in the…
This week, we are covering the possibility of Russia shutting off the gas supplies to Slovakia, the crisis in the…

Slovenskí europoslanci sa zhodli na potrebe sankcií voči dovozu ruských energií
Eugen Jurzyca a Ivan Štefanec diskutovali na tému dôležitosti zavedenia sankcií voči Rusku a spoločnej európskej energetickej politike
Eugen Jurzyca a Ivan Štefanec diskutovali na tému dôležitosti zavedenia sankcií voči Rusku a spoločnej európskej energetickej politike

TRENDY Fridays: NAKA detained Kaliňák, Fico faces the same accusations
This week, we are covering NAKA’s accusations against politicians Kaliňák and Fico, the government’s plan for helping people with inflation,…
This week, we are covering NAKA’s accusations against politicians Kaliňák and Fico, the government’s plan for helping people with inflation,…
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