Podcast about Martial Arts Lifestyle in English and Slovak. Talks about motivation, training, styles and lifestyle stories in general.Podcast o životnom štýle bojových umení v angličtine a slovenčine. Témy ako motivácia, tréning, štýly a príbehy zo života.

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Tento podcast vychádza od 19. 2. 2021 info

Priemerná dĺžka epizódy je 26 minút


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Episode 10 – Stay safe

In today’s episode I will go into a heartbreaking story of a young Taiwanese boy, who died as a result…

In today’s episode I will go into a heartbreaking story of a young Taiwanese boy, who died as a result…

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Episode 9 – Camps and seminars

It today’s episode I will talk about why I think that seminars and camps are important part of martial artist’s…

It today’s episode I will talk about why I think that seminars and camps are important part of martial artist’s…

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Episode 8 – Training

In today’s episode we will explore the training itself –  why it is important for each of the „groups“ –…

In today’s episode we will explore the training itself –  why it is important for each of the „groups“ –…

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Episode 7 – Black belts

In today’s episode, I will talk about Black belts, what it means and what issues they face, such as ‚The…

In today’s episode, I will talk about Black belts, what it means and what issues they face, such as ‚The…

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Epizóda 7 – Čierný pás a „syndróm čierneho pásu“

V dnešnej epizóde vám poviem o tom čo to znamená mať čierný pás a tiež o tom ako sa prejavuje…

V dnešnej epizóde vám poviem o tom čo to znamená mať čierný pás a tiež o tom ako sa prejavuje…

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Epizóda 6 – OBI

Dnešný diel podcastu Život na tatami bude o stupňoch, pásoch, obi.  Prečo sú a ako sú nastavené, čo je za…

Dnešný diel podcastu Život na tatami bude o stupňoch, pásoch, obi.  Prečo sú a ako sú nastavené, čo je za…

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Episode 6 – OBI, Ranks and Belts

In today’s episode we will have a look at ranks, belt systems or obi, as they are called in Japanese. …

In today’s episode we will have a look at ranks, belt systems or obi, as they are called in Japanese. …

Život na Tatami – Life on Tatami - informácie o podcaste

Za tvorbou podcastu stojí . Podcast about Martial Arts Lifestyle in English and Slovak. Talks about motivation, training, styles and lifestyle stories in general.Podcast o životnom štýle bojových umení v angličtine a slovenčine. Témy ako motivácia, tréning, štýly a príbehy zo života.

Život na Tatami – Life on Tatami je zaradený do kategórie Šport.

Život na Tatami – Life on Tatami je zaradený do kategórie Šport. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Boris a Brambor, EisKing F1 - Števo Eisele a Josef Král, Góly z bufetu ∣ ŠPORT.sk, Premier Cast, Hokejový BOSS podcast.