
Pixel Variables and Settings
Pixel Variables and Settings
Pixel Variables and Settings

Adding Pixel to Your Website
How do you achieve adding pixel to your website.
How do you achieve adding pixel to your website.

Facebook Pixel
What is a Facebook Pixel? Learn from this episode.
What is a Facebook Pixel? Learn from this episode.

What is Application Software & Its Types
The application software is divided into two main categories. The first is general software like word processors, web browsers, spreadsheet…
The application software is divided into two main categories. The first is general software like word processors, web browsers, spreadsheet…

Vue.js Transition
VueJS provides various ways to apply transition to the HTML elements when they are added/updated in the DOM. VueJS has…
VueJS provides various ways to apply transition to the HTML elements when they are added/updated in the DOM. VueJS has…

Introduction to Computer Network
A computer network is a system that connects numerous independent computers in order to share information (data) and resources. The…
A computer network is a system that connects numerous independent computers in order to share information (data) and resources. The…
50 rokov Svetového kongresu Slovákov - informácie o podcaste
Za tvorbou podcastu stojí Lela Tremblay. V týchto dňoch plynie 50 rokov od založenia Svetového Kongresu Slovákov, krajanskej organizácie zastrešujúcej všetkých Slovákov žijúcich mimo Slovenska. Zuzana Kovačičová sa o ňom, ako aj o jeho prvom predsedovi Štefanovi Romanovi rozprávala s prezidentom Kanadskej obchodnej komory na Slovensku a autorom knihy “Úspešní Slováci v Kanade”, Jozefom Burzom.
50 rokov Svetového kongresu Slovákov je zaradený do kategórie Biznis. Aktuálne najpopulárnješími podcastmi v tomto žánri sú Index, Influencer marketing od a po zet, Inteligentné Investovanie, Forbes Espresso on Air, Ekonómia ľudskou rečou.