Akonne Wanliss je striptér, tanečník, niekedy Jedi a zároveň bojovník OKTAGON MMA.
Chlap, ktorý má v sebe ten povestný "X Faktor", vyžaruje zo seba skvelú energiu a jednoducho vás baví ho počúvať. Ako sa dostal k práci striptéra, aké divoké dokážu byť dievčatá a ženy na striptíze a čo mu povedala mama, keď sa jej priznal akú si našiel prácu? O tom všetkom, ale tiež o zákulisí jeho MMA kariéry, aj o jeho ambíciách v Oktagone sme sa rozprávali pár týždňov pred jeho debutom na turnaji OKTAGON 45 na Štvanici…


Akonne Wanliss is a stripper, dancer, sometimes a Jedi and also an OKTAGON MMA fighter.
A guy who has that "X Factor" inside of him, he exudes great energy and you just enjoy listening to him. How did he get his job as a stripper, how wild can girls and women be at a strip club, and what did his mom say to him when he confessed to her what job he found? We talked about all that, but also behind the scenes of his MMA career and his ambitions in the Octagon a few weeks before his debut at OKTAGON 45 in Prague.